Holy cow! I can not believe that it's been a whole month since I've posted. Sorry I went MIA. Things got really busy and time just flew. I going to do a catch up post of sorts. There were some things that I meant to blog about over the last month that I just never got around to so here are two of them.

I made these cute cookies that I saw on
Mrs. 4444 Cooks for Bub's Valentine's Day party at school. They are the cutest cookies ever, but in true "boy" fashion, the 9 year old boys in his class delighted in the fact that if you bite into the maraschino cherry "body" the mouse bleeds. You gotta love boys!

Sunday was our Cub Scout Pack's Pinewood Derby. Both Bub and Shorty had cars in the races (Shorty was in the Open Class.). Neither won any races, but Bub walked away with both the People's Choice Award and the Scoutmaster's Choice Award. My parents and both brothers came to watch and cheer the kids on, and we had a pretty good time. Spud's design (Shorty's car) beat Rocker's design (Bub's car) so there's already discussion of design changes for next year.

Thanks for reading my blog and please feel free to comment.
PS. Come back tomorrow for my "Focus on Lent" picture.