Wide Open Spaces

The blog of a college student working on her BA in History

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Location: Great Plains, United States

I'm a 30 year old mother of two. I'm in my junior year at a small college in the Central US, and working on my Bachelor of Arts degree in History with a Minor in Political Science.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Spud goes to college.

Saturday was the big day. Spud moved off to college. Classes don't start until September 2, but he's on the football team and had to report early. The funny thing is that he's about 45 minutes closer to me even though he's about 3 hours away from home. I don't have to drive as far to go to his games.

Shorty had spend last week with my parents so I met them for lunch and saw a bit of Spud's school on Saturday. Then Shorty, Bub and I went school shopping. It was nice to have multiple national chain stores to choose from. That's the one big drawback to living in a small town.

So far my parents are holding up well. They've been married for 32 years, and this is the first time in 31 years they haven't had a kid in the house.

Dad has gotten very used to having Spud around to join him in his adventures. It's hard on him being alone while Mom is at work. I think it will be harder when summer is over (Dad's busy season) and Dad has less to occupy his time. The change will be hard on all of us. I got used to going to Spud's games and then spending the weekend at Mom and Dad's, and now I'll go to the games and then drive home. I've gotten really used to spending a lot of time at my parents' so it is going to be strange spending so much less time with them. There are times when I wish things would never change, but I know they must.

Thanks for reading my blog, and please feel free to comment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's part of the cycle of life, I guess. It's going to kill me and Mr.4444 when our kids leave (we are very close with both of our kids). Everybody has to grow up and fly.... :)

8/15/2008 12:31 AM  

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