Waiting for the Inevitable
One of the adopted members of the family, L, and his family came as usual. I wasn't sure they'd be here this year. L has lung cancer. He looks pale and thin and ill and I have the feeling that this was the last time I'll see him. I think he knows it too. When we hugged good-bye I didn't get the usual "Take care kiddo we'll see you later." This time I got "Take care kiddo. I love you." I think this is the first time he's told me that. At least it's the first one I remember. I think it was truly a final good-bye. It's hard to get all the emotions that I feel into this post. I also find it extremely hard to type when I'm crying. I guess what it boils down to is tell your loved ones that you love them every chance you get, they are never with us long enough.
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