Wide Open Spaces

The blog of a college student working on her BA in History

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Location: Great Plains, United States

I'm a 30 year old mother of two. I'm in my junior year at a small college in the Central US, and working on my Bachelor of Arts degree in History with a Minor in Political Science.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

What to do?

Today I find out that the kids' dad had them keeping a secret from me.

This bothers me a lot. Not so much the secret itself (he's supposedly moving back here) but the fact that he encouraged my kids to keep things from me. And he made them believe that I'd be mad at them for telling.

I don't want to over react to this, but it really bothers me. Add this to the things that happened Tuesday night (see my previous post) and I'm not sure how to proceed. I want to call him and rip him a new one, but I know that won't do any good and will allow him to tell everyone what a b*tch I am.

Anyone out there reading this, please leave me some advise. I really need it. Be anonymous if you want to, just help. Thank you.


Blogger Mrs4444 said...

It sounds like you have a good handle on who you're dealing with; don't add fuel to his fire. But moving back your way? That SUCKS!!!! I don't have any good advice other than to find a support group for divorced moms and seek advice from people you trust/respect in that setting. Just a thought.

8/22/2008 6:03 AM  
Blogger Mrs4444 said...

It sounds like you have a good handle on who you're dealing with; don't add fuel to his fire. But moving back your way? That SUCKS!!!! I don't have any good advice other than to find a support group for divorced moms and seek advice from people you trust/respect in that setting. Just a thought.

Another thought; you might consider delving into why you found yourself attracted to this guy (so that your next pic is someone you deserve). It's a VERY long story, but therapy changed my life back in the day, when I kept finding myself drawn to guys who needed fixing. Again, just a thought....

8/22/2008 6:10 AM  
Blogger Eva said...

I'm freshly divorced with a 2 year old son, and the father knows just how to make me FURIOUS. If I were in your shoes, I suppose I would sit my kids down and explain to them that dads aren't supposed to ask their children to keep secrets from their mom. And that you would never be angry with them for being honest with you. Of course, it's always much easier to give advice than actually go through with it! If you ever need a divorced mom buddy to vent to, I'm your gal!

p.s. Found you through Skeeter's blog. :) Hi!

9/03/2008 11:18 PM  
Blogger nebraska girl said...

Hello Eva. Thanks for coming over to visit. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who gets their buttons pushed. Thanks for the offer to be a venting buddy. The same goes, if you need someone I'm here. And feel free to drop by and visit any time.

9/04/2008 12:58 PM  

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